Holy Spirit Imaging assists healthcare providers in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of diseases and conditions. From routine x-rays to high-tech 4-D imagery, we provide imaging services through the emergency center, for patients admitted to the hospital, or through our outpatient imaging centers (located within the hospital and in surrounding communities). These State-of-the Art Imaging Services are provided at the main Imaging Department, located within the Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hill. Holy Spirit offers diagnostic studies in advanced interventional services, including invasive and non-invasive vascular testing, digital radiography, nuclear medicine and nuclear cardiology services, 16 and 64 multi-slice computed tomography (CT) scanning and complete general, vascular and obstetrical ultrasound including 3D and 4D imagery. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) offers a state-of-the-art magnet providing superior, accurate, high-resolution quality images in a short amount of time. In conjunction with the non-invasive cardiology department, Nuclear Cardiology offers nuclear stress tests and pharmacologic stress tests. Imaging Services uses the latest digital imaging technology including a Picture Archival Communication System (PACS).